Education & Training
Training Schools/
LFN School Ilesha, Osun
The Ilesa School is located on the premises of the former ‘Farm Institute Ilesa’ and has about 236 hectares of arable farmland. It is about 150km from Lagos and 45km from Oshogbo (Osun State Capital). This facility was released to the Foundation in September 1987 by the then Oyo State government for a period of 20 years and was again renewed a few years ago.
The area is 360 – 400m above sea level in an agro-ecological zone characterized by latheric soils, a sloping topography and hydromorphic valley bottom soils typical for most of the southern part of Nigeria. The annual rainfall varies between 1200 and 2000 mm during a bi-modal rainfall period from March to November giving rise to two cropping seasons in a year.
The dominant crops include; maize, soybean, cassava, sweet potatoes, yam, cashew, oilpalm and citrus. The school keeps various classes of livestock including cattle, poultry, piggery, rabbitry and fishery.