Leventis Foundation Nigeria

Leventis Foundation Nigeria was present at the IITA Forest Unit Open Day


Leventis Foundation Nigeria represented by the Chairman of Leventis Group, Alhaji Ahmed Mantey and the Executive Director of the Foundation was present at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Forest Unit Open Day held at the Forest Centre, Sanginga Drive, Oyo Road, Ibadan on the 26th of October, 2017.

This special event marks the formal opening of the new Tree Heritage Parkfor Nigeria’s rare and endangered trees while showcasing facilities and activities of the Forest Unit over the past 7 years.

Leventis Foundation Nigeria donated to this course the School’s Forest and Heritage Park located in a protected rain forest in South-West Nigeria and also carried out Ornithological Monitoring in the IITA Ibadan Campus.

The official opening of the Heritage Park was carried out by the Chairman of Leventis Group, Alhaji Ahmed Mantey.

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